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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan

News - Primary 4/5

2023/2024 School Year

12th Apr 2024
Today’s assembly looks at honesty.
11th Apr 2024
On Friday 26th April the Friends Of The Fin are having a ‘break the rules day.’...
9th Apr 2024
Leena, Adam and Jake Brennan came into school today with their speech and...
8th Apr 2024
St. Mary’s Aughlisnafin can be voted for as one of the 3 good causes in the...
25th Mar 2024
Well done to Cora who placed first in the reel. Cora also came home with four medals👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
22nd Mar 2024
P4/5 took part in a St Patrick Story Drama Workshop. Many thanks to their Director...
22nd Mar 2024
Today we look at Responsibility and have musical performances from Primary 4/5 and...
15th Mar 2024
Today we look at the story of St. Patrick.