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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan

News - Primary 2/3

2022/2023 School Year

9th Jun 2023
Hugh excitement in our class today!  As part of our In the Garden topic, we...
9th Jun 2023
Today’s assembly looks at making the right choices.
8th Jun 2023
Congratulations to Emily Murray from P2/3 who received a certificate and medal at...
7th Jun 2023
Well done to our minibeast detectives, super investigating and observation skills...
2nd Jun 2023
Another amazing sports day has taken place.  Well done to all of the boys and...
1st Jun 2023
This morning we enjoyed our STEM ~ fruit investigations and finished off our hard...
31st May 2023
Dear parents, Just a reminder that Sports Day will take place this Friday (2nd...
31st May 2023
Throughout the month of May we remembered Mary, Mother of Jesus in a special way....
26th May 2023
After an amazing year for our school, our families have really ramped up the support...
26th May 2023
Today’s assembly looks at self esteem and confidence.