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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan

Using Newsdesk at home

9th Jan 2023

Digital tools play a vital role in preparing pupils for the digital world and they are an everyday part of pupils’ lives. Using digital tools gives pupils an opportunity to experience literacy in a range of forms, including audio, video and text.

C2k NewsDesk is a digital resource available free to all pupils and they can access the NewsDesk via a link on the My School home page. NewsDesk gives pupils an opportunity to engage with current news stories in a digital environment. They can be active users with opportunities to comment on stories and submit their own topical writing to a ready-made audience. NewsDesk also gives pupils opportunities to practise talking and listening and reading and writing skills that they have learned in the classroom.

At the start of this term the staff at St Mary's Primary School received support in using C2K's Newsdesk service from David Huntley, the Newsdesk editor.  The use of Newsdesk was also support by the district school inspector, Pamela McCrumb, when she visited the school last week.  We will be looking at promoting Newsdesk as a useful resource both at school and at home.

We have included some information pages and video to give a brief summary of how pupils can use the NewsDesk. NewsDesk is aimed at KS2 pupils and Junior NewsDesk is aimed at KS1 and Foundation pupils. 

It’s an excellent opportunity for the children using the podcast facility to listen to audio about the latest stories;
read a range of NewsDesk stories independently at their own pace; contribute by writing their stories and uploading them to the Be a Reporter section. 

Our P3 to P7 pupils may get set homework or activities linked to using Newsdesk this term so it is important that the pupils try to access Newsdesk at home.  We will be watching to see those who get involved the in the NewsDesk Hour and we will look forward to seeing the pupil contributions from St Mary's Primary School. 


To access Newsdesk outside of school you can:

  • Open your web browser
  • Go to
  • Log in to MY-SCHOOL using your C2k Username and Password


  • Search for myschool using google
  • Log in to MY-SCHOOL using your C2k Username and Password



We will be picking a best reporter every month so time to get contributing to the Newsdesk.