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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan

Student & Eco Council Elections in P2/3 💚

20th Oct 2023

We elected a new Eco Council and School Council members for our class today. The children wrote manifestos and presented these to our class. Everyone did a great job, giving such convincing speeches that it was very hard to choose. When voting for the Eco Council and School Council we talked about the qualities we were looking for in the children that will be representing us, as it was important that the children voted for would take time to listen and represent the views of the class thoughtfully and accurately.

We set up the class like a polling station and everyone had a chance to vote for their favourite 2 candidates.
Our votes were secret just like the votes we will have when we are 18 and able to vote in parliamentary elections and local elections.

Our School Council representatives this year will be:

Emma- Lee O’ Hare & Noah Warnock

Our Eco Council representatives this year will be:

Éabha Lennon & Jake Brennan