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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan

Spirit Of Catholic Education Award Winners

16th Dec 2022

Dear Parents,

Earlier this year I submitted an application and supporting evidence for our school to be considered for the Spirit of Catholic Education Award 2022-23.  I felt that the school has many attributes which define the best of our education sector and that the pride I felt in St. Mary’s development could be shared and celebrated.

The adjudication panel was most impressed by the examples we provided of “best practice” and with how the Self-Reflection Framework document has assisted our school in developing and promoting social justice and respect for the environment within the ethos and values of Catholic education.  We have looked at social justice and environmental awareness not only in our immediate school community but also as part of the wider global community.

It gives me great pleasure to inform you all that St Mary’s Primary School, Aughlisnafin has been awarded with Distinction, the Spirit of Catholic Education Award 2022-23.  This is in recognition of the school’s outstanding commitment to social justice and respect for the environment as outlined in the quality indicators detailed in the Down and Connor Catholic Ethos: A Framework for Self-Reflection.

To acknowledge this wonderful achievement, the Down and Connor Catholic Schools’ Support Service will present an award to the school at the end of January.

This achievement in shared by everyone in St Mary’s Primary; our staff, the pupils, parents, parent association and the wider community. We have been asked by Father Colin Grant from CCMS, to share this wonderful achievement with the entire school community.

In the meantime, I wish you all a very happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

With warmest regards

Mr C Murphy