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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan

Shimna Summer Scheme Returns In July

9th May 2023

Shimna College are delighted to announce the return of their successful Summer Scheme, which is open to current P5, P6 and P7 children. Once again, the programme will be filled with physical activity, creativity and fun.

Everyone who attends this year’s summer scheme will have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of sports and games, as well as drama workshops and performances. There will be plenty of surprises and special events along the way.

The cost is £30 per child per week. Participating children need to bring a packed lunch. Other than that, the fee will cover snacks, bottles of water and a Shimna T-shirt.

To secure a place, please print off and return the form in the link below, along with payment in full (cash or cheque payable to ‘SIC Sundries’) by Thursday 1st June. Please mark envelope 'Summer Scheme' for the attention of the Finance office.

Last year, they were over-subscribed so sign up early to secure a place.