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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan

PE Uniform Questionnaire

20th Feb 2023

Dear Parents,

Pupils at St. Mary's have worn their own personal sports gear for P.E. sessions for a number of yearsand it is felt by many that a school P.E. uniform could benefit St. Mary's pupils; to allow a sense of community and in promoting structured learning after P.E. lessons have ended.  Whether or not to have PE uniforms of any kind is still up for debate in many schools and we would be concious of cost of living concerns when approaching suppliers should parents decide to adopt a P.E. uniform. However, when it comes to physical education, there are some benefits that are hard to pass up. Here are four ways that uniforms can help students and learning.


PE uniforms can help teachers keep track of their students. This can also help staff recognize students from non-students for less formal days, such as school trips or visits to open days. On the students’ side of things, uniforms cut out the stress of having to decide what to wear to PE class.


Equality is one of the big arguments for any type of school uniform. PE uniforms have a way of leveling out the playing field for students. Status and distractions are taken out of the picture and the only competition is on the court. Custom PE uniforms can be a step towards less bullying.

School Spirit

Wearing a uniform makes us feel a part of something that is bigger than ourselves. Something that we can represent. Uniforms can help encourage school spirit, by being proud of our school and community.


Physical activity needs fabrics that allow the skin to breathe. Specific PE uniforms give students the right kind of clothes for sports and other activities. If nothing else, uniforms can keep students safe and comfortable.


We are asking parents until Friday 3rd March if they would approve of a PE Uniform for St Mary's with a simple single question form which can be found on the home page of the school website.  There is an option to leave a comment if you wish.  A password has been sent to all via the school messaging app but can be received by contacting the school office if required. 


If parents vote yes the next step would be to present a number of different PE uniform options to vote for, with the hope of moving to a new PE uniform for the start of the next school year.


Please respond to this questionnaire, even if your child is moving to post primary next year, as your insight will be greatly valued.