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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan

P7 Disaster at Sea Activity & a Titanic Adventure!

6th Jun 2018

On the morning of the 14th May our classroom was buzzing with excitement as we were going to Titanic, Belfast! We boarded the bus and arrived in Belfast an hour later.
When we got off the bus, the place was crammed with tourists, most of them with exotic accents. We walked into the museum carefully trying not to bump into other people. We put our lunch boxes into a storage cart and walked over to the NOMADIC, after stopping for a few photos of course! The NOMADIC was a tender ship for TITANIC in Cherbourg, France. TITANIC was too large to enter Cherbourg harbour so the NOMADIC ferried the passengers out. A guide told us about the NOMADIC, then we dressed up in Victorian clothes and explored the lower and upper decks.
We walked back to the museum and looked at the exhibits. Everyone was really excited but from time to time there was the odd groan from people complaining that they were starving! Eventually we got our lunch, PHEW! We could’ve starved to death!
After lunch we visited the highly over priced gift shop and explored it. I got a ruler, fudge, a packet of Bon Bons and a bracelet.
I had so much fun and one of the best facts I learnt was that the NOMADIC used to be a floating restaurant on the River Seine in Paris!
I really enjoyed visiting Titanic, Belfast. It’s something I would definitely do again!!


  1. Successfully work in groups
  2. Be chronologically aware
  3. Manage information
  4. Think logically
  5. Evaluate our results