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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan


7th Dec 2022

Woohoo, P7 have had their Victorian school day diary entries published on Newsdesk!


14th March 1884

Dear Diary,

Today in school it was very boring. We started with prayers with Master Grant. After that we did arithmetic to lunch time. I got one of the answers wrong and had to put the dunce's hat on. It was so embarrassing - everyone was staring at me and when I looked up I could see everyone laughing at me.

I was so humiliated and when I got home for lunch my mum was making it for me while I rested. My mum asked if I got in any trouble and I said "NO!" Knowing that if I had of said yes she would have got the wooden spoon out and beat me with it!

For lunch I had a slice of bread and milk. After my lunch I walked back to school with my friend Abbigail. When I got back to school we did drills and it was good. We marched up and down, we also did star jumps and push ups.

Next was writing, I'm pretty good at writing but my friend not so much. She got her punctuation wrong so Master Grant got out the ruler that he called 'lightening flash' and smacked her across the knuckles. It looked so painful and I felt so bad for her.

Finally it was home time! After school I went and played with all my friends!


By Aoife