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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan

New resources from fundraising

9th Jan 2025

The school has been collecting funds towards updating our outdoor play resources, and the first new pieces of equipment have arrived.  The student council were involved in selecting items and chose a new play house, mud kitchen and storage cabinets.  Toys were also purchased for these cabinets.  I'm sure the boys and girls will really enjoy using our new play resources (when the weather improves).  We will be further developing our outdoor play resources later this year.

The money collected from the annual Christmas raffle has been used to purchase new Literacy and Numeracy resources for classes, which focus on our current school development plan areas of Problem Solving in Numeracy and Writing in Literacy.

Once again special thanks must go to our amazing PTA, the Friends of the Fin, who have organised the fundraising.  We also want to give thanks to the amazing generosity of our families who have donated so generously.  Your partnership with the school in ensuring that the children receive the best of support is always appreciated.  More to come in the next few months.