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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan

Information regarding SEAG assessment for Primary 6 parents

3rd May 2023

The Schools’ Entrance Assessment Group (SEAG) is open to all post-primary schools in Northern Ireland which use academic selection for all or part of their Year 8 intake. SEAG includes Controlled and Voluntary Grammar Schools and Integrated Schools in its membership. Registration will open on Wednesday 3rd May 2023 for parents/guardians who wish to enter their P6 child for SEAG Entrance Assessments in November 2023.

All information in relation to the registration process, the associated £20 cost, the nature of the assessment, sample papers and access arrangements is available on the SEAG website This link will also be available on each school’s website.

Parents and guardians are reminded that only pupils who have been registered to sit the Entrance Assessment by 5.00pm on Friday 22nd September 2023 will be able to sit the Assessment and there is no late registration after the 22nd September 2023 deadline.
The dates of the assessments are Saturday 11th November 2023 and Saturday 25th November 2023. It is important to note that the SEAG Entrance Assessment Papers consists of two Assessment Papers taken a fortnight apart. Pupils sit both papers, it is not a choice between sitting Paper 1 or Paper 2. Both papers assess English (or Gaeilge) and Mathematics and both have an identical format.

In a change to arrangements which primary schools and parents/guardians may have been familiar with, all
administration is being carried out centrally and online by SEAG. As part of the application process, parents/guardians select the school in which they would like their child to sit the assessment. It is important to note that the choice of assessment centre has no bearing on the school(s) that parents/guardians select as part of the admissions process.

This information is being brought to your attention if you are considering registering for the SEAG Entrance

Each individual school’s Admissions Criteria will be published by the EA in January 2024.