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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan

Election of a parent governor

17th Sep 2024

Dear parents,

The school is currently undergoing the process of the reconstitution of its Board of Governors.  As such we are looking someone to take on the role of the parent governor.

The role / responsibilities of governors

Parent governors are volunteers to a role which has many responsibilities, including:

  • Providing a parental perspective: Parent governors are elected to represent the views of parents and help the governing body understand those views. They are not delegates, however, and can also express their own views.
  • Supporting the school: Parent governors help develop the school's vision and strategy, oversee financial performance, and hold the headteacher accountable.
  • Managing complaints and conflicts of interest: Parent governors may be involved in managing complaints and conflicts of interest.
  • Engaging with the school community: Parent governors should engage with parents, staff, and the wider school community.
  • Attending meetings: Parent governors should attend governing body meetings regularly.
  • Playing an active role: Parent governors should play an active role in sub-committees and decision making.
  • Observing confidentiality: Parent governors should always observe confidentiality.
  • Putting personal interests aside: Parent governors should put personal interests aside.

The number of vacancies to be filled

There is vacancy for one parent governor.  They must be a parent/guardian of a child currently at the school.

The nomination process

The process has two stages – nominations and then elections.  Nominations will be open until next Friday, 27th September 2024 at 12.00 noon.  Nomination forms can be gathered from the school office or printed off from the digital enclosed attachment.  Nomination forms should be signed by the proposer and seconder (who should also be parents at the school) and should include a request to the nominee to confirm his/her acceptance of a candidacy.  Following the closing date, the Clerk will check and count the nominations received and confirm that those parents who have been nominated are prepared to stand.

The election process

Once the closing date for nominations has passed a second letter will be sent to parents advising them of the number of nominations received and the next steps:

  • If the number of nominees is equal to the number of places to be filled (namely one nominee), that candidate will be deemed to have been elected, without the need for a vote.
  • If there are more nominees than places to be filled, a ballot will be held. The date and time of the election will be communicated along with each candidate’s information.
  • If there are no candidates the Board of Governors will propose the steps to take next.

If you wish to take on the role of parent governor or if you know someone who you feel would be an effective governor you can call to the school office for a nomination form.

Yours sincerely

Conor Murphy
