Eco-Council Bring and Buy sale and Eco-code competition
12th Nov 2024
This afternoon the Eco-Council met and had a number of excellent ideas on how to recycle and look after our school environment. These ideas include:
- A recycling bring and buy day will be held on November 29th. Pupils can bring in old toys, books, and other items from next Friday onwards. The P7s would run the event for the classes during the day parents can purchase items also 1pm-2pm. Old school uniforms can also be donated for this day.
- An eco-code competition. Pupils can write a poem between 4 and 8 lines in length that tells us how to respect the environment and look after our school. This will be judged by the Eco-Council. Pupils can give their Eco-code poems to their class teacher and they will be judged by the Eco-Council on the day of the bring and buy sale (29th November).
St Mary's Aughlisnafin Primary School, 5 Aughlisnafin Rd, Castlewellan BT31 9JP | Phone: 028 4377 8460