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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan

EA Study approval form

23rd Mar 2022

Dear Parents

St. Mary's is one of around 200 schools who have been asked to take part in a research study carried out by the EA’s Educational Psychology Service (EPS).  The study is called, “Mainstream schools’ perceptions of unmet need”.  The study aims to quantify the extent and nature of special educational needs which are experienced by pupils in mainstream schools. It will help EA improve the support which is provided to schools by the EPS and other EA services. 

As it is looking at whole school data trends we have been asked for check for parental approval from all parents, not just those of pupils receiving SEN support.  All pupil information will be annoymous therefore the Research Team will not be able to identify any pupils from the information provided by the school. The information will be used for research purposes only and will not be passed on to any other services. The overall findings from this study will be used to plan and develop future service delivery and provision for the EPS and other EA services. Data will be held as long as is needed for publication. It will then be deleted.

The form is Opt out so you only need to return it if you do not wish anonymised information relating to your child shared with the research team, you can opt-out by completing the form below and returning it to the school SENCO (Mrs McEvoy) or the Principal (Mr Murphy) by Wednesday 30th March.

After this date, you cannot opt-out because it will not be possible to identify who the information relates to because it will be anonymous.

To clarify only return the form if you have an objection to annoymous information being shared with this study.

If you have any further questions about this study, you can contact the research team by email