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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan

Child Protection / Safeguarding Week

7th Oct 2022

(Week commencing Monday 10th October 2022)

What's happening during our Child Protection and Safeguarding Week?

  • School leadership will evaluate provision using the ETI Safeguarding Proforma.
  • All parents/guardians will receive a link to our Child Protection / Safeguarding processes and procedures on the school website and can request printed versions from the school office.
  • All staff (teaching and non-teaching) will receive their Safeguarding & Child Protection training update.
  • Our termly Fire Drill will be carried out.
  • There will be a daily focus on Road Safety with all children.  Topics covered will include crossing the road, playing at home, pedestrian crossings, bus travel, riding your bike, walking in carparks, and the use of mobile phones and music players.  The Primary 5 - 7 pupils will be taking part in the Junior Road Safety Officers programme throughout the week.