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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan

Bring Your Grown-Up event in January

2nd Dec 2024

Dear parent/guardian

Ulster University is running a Bring Your Grown-Up maths programme with funding provided by the Department for the Economy. The project is aimed at engaging parents who want to help with their children’s learning at home, with maths, in a fun-filled, visual and interactive way.

The desired outcome of the programme is for parents to feel that little bit more comfortable talking about maths at home with their child/children and to feel more positive about the subject themselves.

The programme involves committing to four sessions, each 1.5 hours in duration, held in our school. During the sessions we will use IZAK9 cubes. Your child will most likely be familiar with these cubes and how easy and fun they are to use. You can refer to this website to see what they are like

The sessions will be run in a relaxing and informal fashion, making maths fun for parents and pupils alike. Also, if you have younger children, please feel free to bring them along.

There will be no writing, no testing, no direct questioning and no assessment of any kind, just fun-filled sessions of active maths using these IZAK9 cubes.

All parents are welcome to participate, so if you want to register, please complete the attached form (a paper copy was sent home today) and return it to the school with your child. We very much hope to see you at these events.