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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan

BeeActive After School starts on Wednesday

7th Nov 2022

A reminder to parents that our after school sports club will be changing this week.  It will now be on Wednesday and hosted by BeeActive.  The cost of the club is £3 per pupil for the hour session.  Those wraparound pupils from Reception to Primary 3 can enjoy 2 hours for the reduced rate of £5.  If you have yet to book your place you can contact the school on 02843778460 or email the office on

The updated timetable for P.E. is

Monday – Full school uniform

Tuesday – P.E. for Reception/Primary 1 and Primary 2/3.  Gaelic for P4 – 7 – P.E. Sports gear day.

Wednesday – Bee Active fitness for all classes – P.E. Sports gear day.  After school sports is now on Wednesday.

Thursday – Full school uniform

Friday – Only Primary 5/6 & 7 allowed to wear Sports gear on the gaelic days highlighted on the school calendar (once a fortnight), otherwise full school uniform.