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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan


2023/2024 School Year

8th Mar 2024
Today’s assembly looks at the February pupil of the month and World Book Day.
7th Mar 2024
Happy World Book Day!  What a fabulous day we have had celebrating! Well done...
7th Mar 2024
Thank you to all the children who came dressed as their favourite characters for...
7th Mar 2024
P7 learned to code using BBC micro:bit
6th Mar 2024
Our P6/7 boys participated in the 5 a side indoor football today in St Malachy' High...
6th Mar 2024
Here is a digital copy of the newsletter sent home with the pupils earlier today....
5th Mar 2024
Today the Newcastle branch of RNLI visited our school to tell the pupils about lifeboats...
4th Mar 2024
The Lyric Theatre performed an eco-play today for the boys and girls, teaching the...
4th Mar 2024
Songs for First Communion to sing along and practice to.
1st Mar 2024
Today’s assembly looks at Cooperation.