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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan


2021/2022 School Year

4th Feb 2022
The children in the P.1. and Reception class made a hot air balloon using paper...
4th Feb 2022
The Reception children enjoyed painting in class this week. 
4th Feb 2022
Next Friday (11th February), The Friends Of The Fin are going to celebrate mid-term...
4th Feb 2022
Today’s assembly looks at St Brigid with P6/7 and grandparents with P2/3.
3rd Feb 2022
Yesterday, ended Mr. Morgan's work placement with the P2&P3's. We thoroughly...
1st Feb 2022
P6/7 Saint Brigid assembly!
1st Feb 2022
Aoibh and Ellie We’re making St. Brigid’s crosses at the weekend and...
31st Jan 2022
The lyrics to the new school anthem 'Be The Best You Can Be' are included. ...
28th Jan 2022
Today on the last day of Catholic schools week in school , the P.1. children made...
28th Jan 2022
Primary 5/6 celebrated Catholic Schools Week by taking part in various activities,...