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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan


2023/2024 School Year

17th May 2024
Dear parents, Following last year’s vote from parents for a school P.E....
17th May 2024
Today’s assembly looks at teachers.
17th May 2024
Happy birthday to Ella Mary from Primary 1 and Clara from Primary 5.  Hope...
16th May 2024
The Scholastic school book fair has just finished for 2023/24 in the Fin. This year...
14th May 2024
The children in reception and P.1. as part of their topic on animals , went on a...
13th May 2024
Many thanks to Kevin from the HSE who gave the children excellent advice on staying...
13th May 2024
This morning we welcomed Kevin from the HSENI Who shared with us  Be aware...
10th May 2024
P2/3 have been working very hard over the past few weeks researching and making...
10th May 2024
Don't they look smart? Our P7's model their new quarter zips. Many thanks to Paul...
10th May 2024
This Book Fair is at St Mary’s this week.