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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan


2022/2023 School Year

30th Jun 2023
Iain Sneddon form Sustrans has asked to us share this link about a mountain bike...
29th Jun 2023
Today new sports equipment arrived for Saint Mary's, raised from our crowdfunder...
29th Jun 2023
Included are the pupils who are celebrating their birthdays in July and August....
29th Jun 2023
What a joy to teach this wonderful P2/P3 class here are just some of the highlights!...
29th Jun 2023
Dear parents, We have been asked to share information on the new Lasallian Catholic...
29th Jun 2023
We had our end of year party today in reception and P.1. I hope you all have a lovely...
28th Jun 2023
The reception and P.1. children have had a very busy year, here are some of the...
27th Jun 2023
Well done to Ellen in P5 who was successful in a recent Dressage test in horse riding....
27th Jun 2023
27th Jun 2023
It really was an epic adventure.....