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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan


2021/2022 School Year

25th Jan 2022
A digital version of the newsletter sent home with pupils today.
24th Jan 2022
Such a talented bunch in Primary 2&3! Today we explored how unique and special...
24th Jan 2022
P6/7 light a candle for their prayer service to remember that God is with us.
24th Jan 2022
Mia from P4 brought into school her impressive trophy and plaque awarded recently...
23rd Jan 2022
The P.1. children have been learning how to program Bee Bots and developing a sequence...
23rd Jan 2022
Caitlin in P.1. used the instructions and followed the plans to build a tow truck....
21st Jan 2022
Today’s Assembly looks at Self Discipline and has an announcement for Primary...
20th Jan 2022
Primary 2 & 3 have been working very hard over the past few weeks with Mr. Morgan....
18th Jan 2022
The Primary one children have been learning how to measure using non-standard units...
18th Jan 2022
A very detailed picture showing us what is happening on the farm, turnip harvesting....