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St Mary's Aghlisnafin Primary School, Castlewellan


2021/2022 School Year

31st Jan 2022
The lyrics to the new school anthem 'Be The Best You Can Be' are included. ...
28th Jan 2022
Today on the last day of Catholic schools week in school , the P.1. children made...
28th Jan 2022
Primary 5/6 celebrated Catholic Schools Week by taking part in various activities,...
28th Jan 2022
'Do for other people the same things you want them to do for you' Matthew 7:12 ...
28th Jan 2022
The Friends Of The Finn have rescheduled their PTA meeting for Tuesday 1st February...
28th Jan 2022
Today’s assembly looks at our emotions and where to go when we need help.
27th Jan 2022
More Photos of our fabulous trip to Down Museum with P6/7 class. A fun day was had...
27th Jan 2022
Museum mannequin challenge in the Ballykinlar Hut! (This was the quietest they were...
27th Jan 2022
P5/6 and P6/7 visited Down Museum on Thursday 27th!
27th Jan 2022
Living Life in Wonder & Awe! Today we thought about what a wonderful world...